Education for life

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learn more about Montessori Education
Montessori parent, Trevor Eissler, a Montessori parent, illustrates the differences between Montessori and traditional education.
Explore Omni campuses
The Blakeney Campus, located on seven acres in south Charlotte, is home to Omni Montessori School's Primary (ages 3-6) and Elementary (ages 6-9 and 9-12) program levels. The Waxhaw Campus, located on a 13-acre farm in nearby Waxhaw, North Carolina, is home to Omni’s Adolescent Program (ages 12-15). Click the video links below to see each campus.
discover What omni has to offer your student
Multi-age classrooms encourage cooperative learning and allow for broad emotional and social development. The classroom dynamic creates a nurturing, family-like atmosphere where younger children watch older children and are motivated to excel. Older students reinforce their own learning by helping the younger ones. At all levels, the guide’s primary role is not the transmission of information, but rather to nurture development and to guide activities, resources, and materials that allow the child to take the next step in learning.
see a primary classroom and hear from recent graduates
The Montessori method embraces a broad vision of education as a tool for life. Founded on the belief that children possess an inherent love of learning, it provides a framework for engaging students in meaningful work and experiences. Montessori education seeks the formation of children who are independent thinkers and creative problem solvers, capable of leading productive, responsible, and harmonious lives.
Click to see inside an Omni
Primary (ages 3-6) classroom
Click to hear more from recent
Omni 9th Year Graduates