Education for life
Donate Now!
Donate now!
There are two ways to donate online this year, choose the one that works best for you:
Make a recurring donation
If you would like to spread out your gift to make smaller donations throughout the school year, you can use a credit card to set up a recurring donation. Choose how much per month you'd like to give, then set the date you'd like your monthly donations to begin. Simply click on the Donate Now! button at the bottom of this page, enter the monthly amount you wish to give, then click the box that says "Show my support by making this a recurring donation" and follow the prompts that pop up.
Make a single donation
As in years past, you can use a credit card to make a single donation of any amount. Click on the Donate Now! button at the bottom of this page, then simply enter the desired donation amount in the box at the top of the form and follow the rest of the instructions. Your gift will be processed the same day.
Click below to begin your donation!