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Inclusion and Diversity

Omni Montessori School Admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Omni Montessori School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Omni Montessori School is dedicated to seeking and celebrating diversity. All those connected with Omni Montessori School – the trustees, the parents, the faculty, the staff, the students, the alumni, the grandparents and supporters – create a diverse and interconnected community.

We value every voice and celebrate our individual and cultural differences. 
Together we strive to demonstrate active engagement, 
gratitude and support through fostering a sense of belonging. 
-A core value at Omni Montessori School

Omni Montessori School:
  • Implements authentic Montessori learning environments that help children develop into individuals who know right from wrong, who have self-confidence and are connected with others, who find fulfillment, and who connect and contribute to the world.
  • Allocates resources to improve diversity within the school community through The Gardner Family Endowment for Inclusion and Diversity.
  • Coordinates with the Parent Association (PA) to support activities and events to strengthen the Omni community. The PA Cultural Enrichment Committee offers regular Coffee and Culture discussions to openly explore the diverse beliefs and cultural heritage in our community.
  • Engages with Omni Montessori School’s Board of Trustees Inclusion and Diversity Committee to strategically meet diversity, equity and inclusion goals.
  • Learns from community participation in the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism (AIM).

Professional Development

A team of Omni trustees and administrators completed The Bottom Line: An Operational Case for Racial Equity. The course focused on how to create a more equitable and inclusive community that understands the nuances and varied experiences of those from all backgrounds.

All Omni faculty and staff participated in Introduction to Anti-Bias Education with Britt Hawthorne. This professional development opportunity was designed to give our community a common language to assist with navigating discussions about diversity and justice in the classroom.

Faculty and staff have also participated in: Trillium Montessori P2P Summit, Fairness, Equality and Justice: Using Anti-Bias Education to Prepare Our Environments; The National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector course, The Culturally Responsive Montessori Environment; and North Carolina Association of Independent Schools (NCAIS) annual Diversity Conferences.


Community resources in Charlotte:

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Atrium Health 

Talking to kids about racial bias:

American Academy of Pediatrics
National Museum of African American History and Culture

Books for children:

The Conscious Kid

“Our principal concern must be to educate humanity — the human beings of all nations — in order to guide it toward seeking common goals. We must turn back and make the child our principal concern.”

—Maria Montessori,
Education and Peace
