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Master Plan

As Omni continues to grow and expand the programs offered in order to meet the needs of today’s families, our campuses and facilities need to grow and expand right along with us. To make that growth a reality, Omni is partnering with the firm Clark Nexson to create a Master Plan, which is a physical representation of a school’s vision for its future facilities and programs.

Vision Statement

Developing a master plan is a lengthy process that involves input from all constituency groups of the school. Omni’s Master Plan process began with the following Vision Statement:

“To develop and maintain an improved and expanded set of facilities that will provide necessary capacity and functionality to enhance student enrollment, with younger age children as the immediate priority, while sustaining current program levels, supporting future expansion into additional program levels and encouraging community engagement.”


December 2016
In accordance with Omni’s Strategic Plan, the school’s Board of Trustees (BOT) began searching for a consulting group to prepare a 10+year Campus Master Plan. A committee was formed consisting of BOT members, administrative staff, and parent representatives. Requests for proposals were submitted to several firms, and three firms were invited to make presentations of their proposals to the committee.

February 2017
The firm of Clark Nexsen was chosen to complete Omni’s Master Plan. 

March 2017
Clark Nexsen began the planning process with the initial phase, consisting of:

  • The planning committee met to collect thoughts on a potential vision statement
  • Reviewed existing materials – floor plans, survey, schedules, class size, projections, etc.
  • Considered and created a list of known needs and desired changes or additions to facilities

May/June 2017

  • Clark Nexsen representatives observed typical days at our Blakeney campus and the Waxhaw campus, and were introduced to faculty and staff at each campus
  • Visioning sessions were held with Blakeney campus employees by program level to define goals and discuss possible projects

August/September 2017

  • Visioning session with employees of the Waxhaw campus was held
  • Clark Nexsen met with the planning committee to review vision session findings and prioritize needs

November/December 2017

  • Clark Nexsen presented a preliminary draft of the Master Plan to BOT members, faculty and staff to get feedback and answer questions

January/February 2018

  • Clark Nexsen presented a second draft of the Master Plan to the whole Omni community in which they also reviewed the planning process, gathered feedback and answered questions

March/April 2018

  • Civil survey of Blakeney campus completed by Alfred Benesch & Company

May 2018 

  • Clark Nexsen revised master plan based on findings in Benesch report

August 2018

  • The BOT approved the final draft of the Master Plan

June  2019

  • The BOT approved moving forward with Phase One of the Master Plan and tasked the Facilities Committee with interviewing architects and civil engineers

Master Plan Images
